Issue |
Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain.
Volume 5, 2020
Article Number | 5 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 14 February 2020 |
Review Article
Greenery buildings Significance of courtyard houses design in the Arab world
Development Advisor/freelancer working in Bahrain
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Serious and sober architecture comes from the concept that evolves through time and across generations, and shows its sustainability through innovation and business which is becoming a crucial move along with the product at the time and place of occurrence. Aspirations of the community, cultural identity and urban context are linked to the environment in which they arise. To some extent and up to the middle of the Twentieth Century, the architecture of each country and region reflected the heritage and environment of the residents who dwelled in that part of the area. With the effect of globalization and misuse of the “copy-paste” method, ready-deformed designs have disintegrated architecture in societies. This is inherited through a primitive thought fully dependent on the least efforts of designing. The consequences of this behavior have produced buildings without identity which do not meet the requirements of sustainable development. This article highlights the best practices by ensuring a sustainable environmental community in Bahrain and shows that this has been tackling the issue from top to bottom, by setting a sustainable strategy for the country and introducing a guideline of green building code. However, lack of building regulations is obvious and needs to be revised in favorites of greenery and saving lands to allow housing developers to build on the edge of the land plot without a setback from three sides of the land. This will have a flexible solution in designing a court-yard type which demonstrated a successful solution for the need of families as well as saving energy. Environmental best practices are led by the private sector, and some good examples of design have the quality of life. Creative designs can be appreciated when they reflect and inspire the past for the need of the present and looking forward to the future.
© F. AlKubaisy, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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