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Battery Energy Storage Systems for the New Electricity Market Landscape: Modeling, State Diagnostics, Management, and Viability—A Review
Pablo Carrasco Ortega, Pablo Durán Gómez, Julio César Mérida Sánchez, Fernando Echevarría Camarero and Ángel Á. Pardiñas Energies 16(17) 6334 (2023)
Floating PV in mountain artificial lakes: a checklist for site assessment
Valentino Piana, Annelen Kahl, Cristina Saviozzi and René Schumann Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability 6 4 (2021)
Decarbonization of Australia’s Energy System: Integrated Modeling of the Transformation of Electricity, Transportation, and Industrial Sectors
Tino Aboumahboub, Robert J. Brecha, Himalaya Bir Shrestha, Ursula Fuentes, Andreas Geiges, William Hare, Michiel Schaeffer, Lara Welder and Matthew J. Gidden Energies 13(15) 3805 (2020)