Open Access

Table 5

Comparison with other land-use systems in varied ecological zones in Ghana.

Land-Use Eco-zone Biomass (Mg ha−1) C stock (Mg ha−1) References
Bamboo Stand MSDF 90.4 42.9 From study
Fallow Savannah 1.9 1.0 [44]
DSDF 3.4 1.7
MEF 5.1 2.6
Cultivated Savannah [44]
DSDF 1.6 0.8
MEF 4.5 2.2
Teak Stand Savannah 52.2 26.1 [44]
DSDF 51.2 25.6
MEF 195.4 97.7
Natural Forest Savannah 31.8 15.9 [44]
DSDF 356.6 178.3
MEF 458.8 229.4
EF 284 142 [45]
MSDF 254 127
DF 202 101
WS 124 62

MSDF, Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest; DSDF, Dry Semi-Deciduous Forest; MEF, Moist Evergreen Forest; EF, Evergreen Forest; WS, Woody Savanna.

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