Open Access

Table 4

Comparison of biomass and carbon stock of various bamboo species worldwide.

Bamboo species Culm ha−1 Sampled culms Biomass
(Mg ha−1)
C stock
(Mg ha−1)
Location References
B. vulgaris (From study) 3710 2114 90 43 Ghana  
B. asper 5 7 India [36]
B. balcooa 5 1045 India [36]
B. bambos 5 76 India [36]
B. nutans   5 42 India [36]
B. nutans 8398 18 74 Thailand [39]
B. polymorpha 5434 18 23 Thailand [39]
B. strictus 5 13 India [36]
B. tulda 11362 18 59 Thailand [39]
B. tulda 5 70 India [36]
B. vulgaris 7904 18 55 Thailand [39]
B. vulgaris 2933 12 97 50 Bangladesh [18]
B. vulgaris 5 53 India [36]
B. vulgaris 2296 63 30 Cameroon [17]
B. vulgaris 6267 15 115 51 Ghana [40]
B. vulgaris 17900 80 258 139 Nigeria [23]
B. vulgaris (vitata) 7171 15 71 83 Ghana [40]
C. pergracile 4940 18 14 Thailand [39]
D. brandisii 8398 18 79 Thailand [39]
D. longispathus 5928 18 17 Thailand [39]
D. strictus 13832 18 41 Thailand [39]
M. baccifera   180 118 58 India [25]
O. abyssinica 3325 15 4 2 Ghana [40]
O. abyssinica 4374 28 13 Cameroon [17]
P. aurea 38017 144 68 Cameroon [17]
P. heterocycle 7100 89 41 Taiwan [37]
P. makinoi 21191 105 50 Taiwan [41]
P. polymorphum 90 43 21 India [25]
P. pubescens 3968 88 40 China [38]
S. dullooa 132 45 23 India [25]
T. siamensis 6916 18 32 Thailand [39]

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