Open Access
Table 2
Load specific parameters.
Parameter | Description |
ID | Every flexible load needs a unique identification number |
Status | Indicates whether the load is switched on or off |
Power | Nominal power of the load in watts |
Priority | Defines at which grid status the load may be switched off (see Tab. 1) |
Operating Schedule | Time period or times when the load is usually switched on certain days |
Restrictions | Times when the load has to be switched off (e.g., noisy loads at night) |
Cycle Time | Time for one using cycle of the load (e.g., 120 minutes for a washing machine) |
Energy per Cycle | Energy needed to complete a cycle defined in “cycle time” |
Maximum Off-Time | Longest period of time a load can be switched off (e.g., freezer or refrigerator) |
Minimum Off-Time | Switch-off time threshold below which a shutdown is energetically inefficient |
Switching Option | Describes how the load can be switched (e.g., binary, either on or off, step by step or continuously, if the power of the load can be continuously increased) |
Switching Range | Power range a load can be operated in (minimum and maximum power of a load) |
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