Clean Energy and Low Waste
Open Access
Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain.
Volume 6, 2021
Clean Energy and Low Waste
Article Number E1
Number of page(s) 1
Published online 02 July 2021

In this special issue of Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability, eleven papers, based on contributions submitted to the Ajman, UAE Municipality and Planning Department, Government of Ajman, UAE − World Renewable Energy Network, WREN, UK fifth Seminar, are published after peer-review. The Seminar is planned for the period 26 June to 1 July with oral presentations for two days and technical visits for one day.

The Seminar has been run annually since 2015, and aims to promote the use of clean energy, saving electricity, reducing fossil fuel consumption in transport, industry and the built environment.

The papers consist of:

  • Up-date: Renewable energy and climate change, by Prof. Ali Sayigh, (Chairman of WREC and DG of WREN Brighton, UK);

  • Waste management strategy and development in Ajman, UAE, by Prof. Riadh Al-Dabbagh (Ajman University, UAE);

  • Comparison of passive design strategies to improve living conditions: a study in Ondjiva, Southern Angola, by Joana Aleixo (École Polytecnique Féderale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Gonçalo Roque Araújo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal) and Manuel Correia Guedes (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal);

  • Post-war sustainable housing design strategies: the case of reconstruction in Iraq, by Hala Ali Abdulrazaq and Manuel Correia Guedes;

  • Cities without slums and the right to the city: slums in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Nadia Albuquerque (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal) and Manuel Correia Guedes;

  • Wind energy utilisation for water desalination, street and buildings lighting − a case study for the Emirate of Ajman − UAE, by Dr. Abdul Salam K. Darwish (School of Engineering, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK);

  • COVID-19 impact on waste management − business opportunity Emirate of Ajman − UAE, by Khaled M. Alhosani and Dr. Pouria Liravi (University of Derby, Derby, UK);

  • Complementary implementation of best practice in environmental management with health and safety; context of the United Arab Emirates construction industry, by Alhanouti Ayman and Farrell Peter (School of Engineering, University of Bolton, Bolton, UK);

  • Achieving sustainability and environmental enhancements through a ‘collaboration toolkit’ to deliver new sustainability strategies for The Emirate of Ajman − UAE, by Jason Challender (Director of Estates and Facilities, University of Salford UK);

  • COVID-19 impact on air quality and associated elements: knowledge data of the Emirate of Ajman − UAE, by Yaser Omar Kayed, Abdul Salam K. Darwish, Peter Farrell;

  • Ajman an environmentally friendly city with its quality of life: review of sustainability challenges and achievements by Ajman Municipality and Planning Department, by Khaled M. Alhosani, Yaser Omar Kayed and Abdul Salam K. Darwish.

The two major problems in Ajman or UAE in general are the hot weather throughout the year and excessive use of motor cars both of which lead to the excessive use of electricity and fossil fuel. The country uses air conditioning 90% of the time and consumes 75% of all electricity production. Public transport is not fully developed and there is much potential for its future development. Transport rationalization is needed urgently to the addition to introduction use of natural comfort strategies in buildings. Renewable energy has started to be used in various parts of the country which will result in some reduction of CO2 emission and will reduce climate change.

The aim of the Seminar is to increase both public and policy makers awareness of the huge potential renewable energy can make to combatting climate change.

Cite this article as: Ali Sayigh, Topical issue on ‘Clean Energy and Low Waste’, Renew. Energy Environ. Sustain. 6, E1 (2021)

© A. Sayigh, Published by EDP Sciences, 2021

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