Open Access
Table 1
Classification chart for AFC techniques [7].
Devices | Geometric (G)/Fluidic (F)/Plasma (P) | Leading Edge (LE)/Trailing Edge (TE)/Mid-Chord (MC) | Inc. Lift (I)/Dec. Lift (D)/Delay Stall (DS) | Steady (S)/Unsteady (U) | |
1 | Traditional trailing-edge flaps | G | TE | I/D | S/U |
2 | Nontraditional trailing-edge flaps | G | TE | I/D | S/U |
3 | Microtabs | G | TE | I/D | S/U |
4 | Miniature trailing-edge effectors | G | TE | I/D | S/U |
5 | Microflaps | G | TE | I/D | S/U |
6 | Active stall strips | G | LE | D | S |
7 | Vortex generators | G | LE | DS | S |
8 | Blowing and suction | F | LE/TE | DS | S/U |
9 | Circulation control | F | TE | I/D | S |
10 | Plasma actuators | P | LE | DS | S |
11 | Vortex generator jets | F | LE | DS | S/U |
12 | High-frequency micro vortex generators | G | LE | DS | U |
13 | Synthetic jets | G/F | LE | DS | U |
14 | Active flexible wall | G | LE | DS | U |
15 | Shape change airfoil | G | MC | I | S/U |
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