Open Access

Table 12

Estimated emission intensity and provisional energy cost in $/MWh for each partial renewable scenario for the SWIS electrical grid under different carbon pricing schemes (20 runs).

Scenario % RE generation Emission intensity (kgCO2e/MWh) Cost ($/MWh) no carbon price Cost ($/MWh) $24/tonne Cost ($/MWh) $70/tonne
BAU 17 667 95.7 111 142
1 42 444 88.4 99.2 119
2 47 394 84.6 94.2 112
3 52 301 86.1 93.0 107
4 56 273 86.2 92.7 105
5 69 199 93.9 98.2 108
6 72 187 97.7 102 111
7 75 165 100 104 111
8 79 145 104 107 114
9 85 124 119 122 127
10 90 85.7 125 127 132
11 94 61.4 132 134 137
12 96 53.4 141 143 145
13 97.4 50.8 153 155 157
14 97.8 47.6 156 158 159
15 98.8 45.3 164 165 168
16 99.5 51.9 192 193 196
17 99.9 59.5 219 222 223

BAU is the business as usual case of using mostly conventional fossil generation. All costs and prices are in Australian dollars.

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