Table 1

List of normalised longwave radiant energy per unit area for each LE. Data are sorted according to winter “Total”.

LE Radiant energy per unit area HLE (J m−2)

  Winter Spring

  Pre-sun am pm Post-sun Total Pre-sun am pm Post-sun Total
Shade cloth (white) −256 −625 −783 −468 −2133 −268 −549 −510 −316 −1643
Sand (white depth ∼40 mm) −246 −692 −580 −358 −1876 −356 −191 29 −268 −786
Crushed rock (white) −243 −572 −469 −291 −1574 −310 −375 −174 −203 −1061
Limestone block (90 mm × 160 mm × 500 mm) −253 −418 −204 −209 −1085 −291 −290 −9 −143 −733
Tree (native, Jarrah) −17 −357 −499 −145 −1018 −48 −542 −568 −134 −1293
Shade cloth (cream) −261 −93 −181 −468 −1003 −199 965 682 −319 1129
Shrub (ficus, non-native) −72 −333 −431 −144 −980 −88 −504 −422 −125 −1140
Tree (non-native, Jacaranda) −19 −357 −336 −98 −809 −138 −649 −582 −132 −1501
Shrub (woolly bush, native) −63 −280 −314 −131 −788 −80 −427 −373 −110 −989
Grass −189 −80 −179 −330 −778 −123 276 325 −124 354
Pavers (sandstone 40 mm × 400 mm × 400 mm) −241 −369 29 −163 −744 −258 324 813 48 928
Decking (pine) −254 −18 26 −358 −605 −243 836 829 −185 1237
Concrete slab (×40 mm) −287 −275 198 −182 −546 −305 568 1079 44 1386
Concrete slab (×80 mm) −255 −311 162 −85 −489 −271 441 1016 120 1306
Soil (moist, depth ∼50 mm) −227 −27 222 −270 −301 −168 2525 2273 6 4635
Mulch (depth ∼50 mm) −248 86 183 −273 −253 −192 1390 1538 −53 2682
Sand (grey depth ∼40 mm) −265 134 352 −270 −49 −240 1634 1748 −18 3124
Pavers (red) −242 15 403 −198 −22 −250 544 883 −31 1146
River pebbles (black) −233 −51 421 −143 −7 −225 974 1175 −29 1895
Artificial grass −255 414 571 −389 342 −123 2129 1658 −139 3526
Asphalt −227 160 567 −89 411 −201 1751 2358 249 4157
Pavers (grey 40 mm × 400 mm × 400 mm) −247 174 880 −43 764 −220 1492 2072 240 3584
Shade cloth (black) −263 961 966 −400 1264 −106 2943 2388 −98 5127

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