Open Access
Table 1
Brief overview of the data used in for the model. Refer to [7] for a full description.
Variable, units | Description | Data source |
Lagged spot price, EUR/MWh | Market clearing price for the same hour of the last relevant delivery day | European Energy Exchange: |
Average lagged spot price, EUR/MWh | Average market clearing price across all 24 h of the last relevant delivery day | European Energy Exchange: |
Spot price volatility, EUR/MWh | Standard deviation of market clearing prices for the same hour on the last five relevant delivery days | European Energy Exchange: |
Coal price, EUR/12 000 t | Latest available price (daily auctioned) of the front-month Amsterdam–Rotterdam–Antwerp (ARA) futures contract before the electricity price auction takes place | Bloomberg, Ticker: GTHDAHD Index |
Oil price, EUR/bbl | Last price of the active ICE Brent Crude futures contract on the day before the electricity auction takes place | Bloomberg, Ticker: COA Comdty |
Price for EUA, EUR 0.01/EUA 1000 t CO2 | Latest available price of the EEX Carbon Index (Carbix), daily auctioned at 10:30 am | European Energy Exchange: |
Expected wind and PV infeed, MWh | Sum of expected infeed of wind electricity into the grid, published by German transmission system operators in the late afternoon following the electricity price auction | Transmission system operators:,,, |
Expected power plant availability, MWh | Ex ante expected power plant availability for electricity production (voluntary publication) on the delivery day (daily granularity), published daily at 10:00 am. | European Energy Exchange and transmission system operators: |
Expected demand, MWh | Demand forecast for the relevant hour on the delivery day as modeled in [X] | Own data, German Weather Service: |
Lagged demand, MWh | Sum of total vertical system load and actual wind infeed for the same hour on the last relevant delivery day | Transmission system operators:,,, |
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