Open Access
Table 2
Construction main factors and sub-risk factors.
Main factors | Sub −Risk factors | References | |
Health and Safety | F1: Commitment of safety & health recommendation F2: Personal protect equipment & hands sterilizing. F3: Workers acceptance of Covid-19 vaccination F4: Lack of training to deal with pandemic |
[11,17,27,29,55–57] and Research findings | |
Risk Management | F5: Risk management procedures | [10,17,29,55,57] | |
Management deficiency | F6: Lack of the use latest technology F7: Time management F8: Difficulty in controlling behaviour of workers |
Research findings | |
Financial and economic | F9: Currency exchange rate F10: Material price increases F11: Labor wages F12: Delay in payment F13: Inflation |
[10,11,17,29,58,59] | |
Operational | F14: Low productivity of labour F15: Delay in equipment delivery |
[10,11,27,29,59,60] | |
Contractual | F16: Legal disputes F17: Interpretation of contract language |
[10,11,17,29,61] |
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