Open Access

Table 13

Cyanobacteria biohydrogen productivity according to literature.

Cyanobacteria strain Light Intensity T (°C) Biohydrogen production yield References
Cyanothese sp. ATCC 51142 30 µE m2/s 465 µmol/(mg Chl * h) [28]
Synechocystis strain M55 200 nmol/(mg Chl*min) [28]
Anabaena PCC7 120 456 µE/m2/s 14.9 ml/h [9]
Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005. 40 µE/m2/s 30 °C 5.91 ml/(L*h) [21]
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 300 µmol photons m2/s 190 nmol/(mg Chl*min) [28]
Gloeocapsa alpicola 165 µE/m2/s 25 ml/h [9]
Anabaena Cylindrica 140 µΕ * m-2 * s-1 30 ml /(L*h) [7]
Synechococcus sp. Miami BG 043511 150 µE/m2/s 30 220 µmol/(mg Chl * h) [28]
Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 110–120 µE/m2/s 30 14.9 ml/(L*h) [21]
Anabaena Azollae 140 µE/m2/s 13 ml/(L*h) [21]
Synechococcus sp. StrainH-1 100 µE/m2 * s 0.9 ml/(L*h) [16]
Anabaena AMC 414 220 µΕ * m-2 * s-1 14.9 ml/(L*h) [7]
Anabaena Variabilis 353 µE/m2/s 20 ml/h [9]
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6308 20–30 µE/m2/s 3.1 µl/(mg Chl * h) [28]
Chroococcidiopsis thermalis CALU758 70 µE/m2/s 26 4.03 ml/(L*h) [21]
Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 90 µE/m2/s 30 18.4 µl/(mg Chl * h) [28]
Spirulina Platensis 8 W/m2   4.032 ml/(L*h) [17]
Oscillatoria sp. Miami BG7 260 µmol/(mg Chl * h) [28]
Synechococcus PCC 6307 20–30 µE/m2/s 0.47 µl/(mg Chl * h) [28]

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