Open Access

Table 8

COW and volumetric flow rate using WT1, WT2, WT3, WT4, and WT5, for the eight sites.

Location WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5

Vf (m3/day) COW (XAF/m3) Vf (m3/day) COW (XAF/m3) Vf (m3/day) COW (XAF/m3) Vf (m3/day) COW (XAF/m3) Vf (m3/day) COW (XAF/m3)
Bashéo 1192.50 5.09 468.44 12.97 160.37 37.87 47.08 129.01 11.62 522.52
Beka 308.04 19.72 89.76 67.67 20.13 301.78 3.23 882.63 0.35 17 585.89
Figuil 1515 4.01 631 9.63 232 26.20 74 81.57 21 294.23
Garoua 379 16.03 114 53.12 27 223.11 5 1257.14 1 10 007.08
Pitoa 639 9.50 217 27.94 62 98.58 14 433.12 2 2456.28
Poli 68 89.26 14 422.87 2 3373.41 0 56 048.41 0 2 415 041.39
Rey-Bouba 232 19.07 64 61.25 13 246.35 2 1378.51 0 11 922.91
Touboro 132 46.16 34 177.43 6 981.60 1 9251.12 0 176 853.92

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